Mercer Street Salon
3012 Fillmore
We started this project in the spring of 2011. Our client, the managing partner of the hair salon, Pete, clicked with us instantly at the very first meeting. We loved every minute of designing with him. He was always looking for ways to enhance the experience of his clients and his staff. We explored a wide variety of options geared toward maximizing the space, improving the function for his staff, providing much needed retail shelving, and, above all, giving his clients the best possible experience.
Located in a trendy neighborhood of San Francisco, Mercer Street Salon has a terrific location. The space itself, however, is located partially below grade, making access to natural light and high ceilings very difficult. Added to that was the challenge to make the space accessible to persons with disabilities. Pete challenged us to reduce heat in the space, increase the number of styling stations, relocate the shampoo area to a more private spa-like area, increase retail shelving, and carve out space for one additional bathroom and changing room.
Because of the large scope of the project, and the need for them to remain open for business throughout the duration of the construction, we divided the project into two phases.
In the end, we accomplished all of the project goals.
By creatively rearranging the entry, we were able to add (3) styling stations in the first phase. In Phase (2), we added another (4) stations; a total increase of over 40% capacity.
Phase 2 pushed the envelope even further by creating a fully open layout with twice as many shampoo bowls, additional changing rooms, and an additional bathroom space.
Since we finished this project Pete sold the business to another salon (Cooper Ally) and we underwent another renovation in 2018. Stop by for a treatment. The space is incredible and the staff does amazing work!
Commercial Tenant Improvement
San Francisco
2011 / 2013 / 2018

Structural Engineer


Eric Holm